What is LOPD?

The law for the protection of personal data ( LOPD)1999, is a law that is binding on all companies. Failure to comply can result insevere penalties from various national data protection agencies from 600€ to 600.000€.

It refers to personal data; all information that provides data on a specific person that can eventually identify addresses and phone numbers, etc. This is the personal data of of our customers, employees, visitors, employees, suppliers, etc.

The Foundations of the Data Protection Lawlanuevaweb
  • Diagnostics of your current situation in terms of data protection.
  • Registration offiles in the RGPD
  • Creation of secure documents for each file.
  • Writing of clausesfor data protection in all necessary forms.
  • Writing of regulations.
  • Be added to contractual agreements with other companies to cede data clauses.
  • Realization of mandatory statutory audits for data protection (biannual).
  • Writing responses to exercise rights of those affected.
  • Participation in AEPD inspections.
LSSICE, which came into practice 15th October 2002, makes it obligatory for businesses and individuals that have web pages which offer services that involves gaining personal information must meet certain requirements.
Lanuevaweb offers a wide range of services related to the adaptation to the law and its enforcement:

  • CONSULTATION: Study and definition of the obligations of our clients, resolutions for problems and legal recommendations for better and easier compliance with current legislation.
  • AUDITING: analysis and verification of compliance with the obligations arising from the implementation of the measures contained in the Act

All these services are provided to any company that has an Internet presence, ,both informative web pages and those with e-commerce pages.

Tell us your needs or concerns and we will answer for free.